4.2. Option Types

There are two main types of options, those that select some part of the build process for inclusion or exclusion and those that control some aspect of the entire build process.

There are only three options of the latter type: jobs, verbosity and sudo.

All apart from a few miscellaneous options are phase control options and have the following format


All phase control options are enabled by default apart from those which enable/disable cleaning actions which are all disabled by default.

The first phase control option encountered on the command line will disable all others if it has no prefix or it is prefixed by --only-. This prefix will disable all other phase control options whenever it is encountered.

For example

build qmake

will carry out only the qmake phase of the build of the Qtc wrapper libraries.

build qmake cmake

will run qmake to create the Makefiles for the wrapper libraries and then run make to build them.